Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group (MILG) and Pou Tangata welcomes the discussion on Māori education achievement following the group’s first hui with Education Minister, Hon Erica Stanford, in Waitangi last week.
“I was encouraged by the Minister’s focus on better outcomes for all and in particular, the ways in which these outcomes could be achieved,” says Ms Olivia Hall, Chair of Mātauranga ILG.
“Of particular note was the Minister’s focus on utilising data to identify initiatives that solve a specific and direct need.”
Mātauranga ILG currently has work underway that will develop a full system map of the direct education touchpoints for ākonga and whānau. The mapping will support whānau, hapū and iwi navigate the complexity of the education system by understanding how Government legislation and policies impact ākonga education experiences.
“An example that comes to mind is our tamariki who attend tangihanga or national kaupapa with their whānau, go on to be listed with the same attendance code as students who have chosen not to go to school. This means the state considers them truant, when they are instead being raised in their own culture while upholding their duty to their whānau,” says Ms Hall.
Mātauranga ILG is encouraged by the Minister’s willingness to create an education system that allows for improved choice with better achievement outcomes.
“We look forward to working with the Minister, and providing insights and data that ensures Māori are best served through an outcomes focused approach.”
Hana Tapiata 0221312912
The Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group (Mātauranga ILG) aims to improve the education system to support lifelong learning for whānau, and ensure the development of intergenerational capability across iwi and hapū.
Mātauranga ILG is focused on ensuring Māori learners are supported with effective changes to the education system that achieve real, long lasting outcomes.
Mātauranga ILG is one of eight Iwi Leaders Groups (ILGs) leading the educational responses within Pou Tangata. Pou Tangata is one of the five Pou of the National Iwi Chairs Forum. Iwi Chairs exist to advocate and influence priorities of national significance on behalf of collective iwi interests. More information on Pou Tangata can be found here: