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Ngāti Hine Health Trust appoint co-leaders as interim CEO

MEDIA RELEASE | 27 Maehe 2024

Ngāti Hine Health Trust has announced a joint, interim CEO leadership with Office of the CEO Director, Jade Morunga (Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa) and Director of Operations, Chris Miller (Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Kahungunu).

The appointment follows outgoing CEO Geoff Milner stepping down from the role after seven years of service.

Trust chair, Rowena Tana says the board are confident in the experience, business acumen and leadership capacity both leaders bring to the role.

Since November 2022, Jade has been the Director of the Office of the CEO and second in charge to outgoing CEO, Geoff Milner.

With a whānau and community development foci at her core and a background in financial services, Jade has been instrumental in the economic development in Te Tai Tokerau.

As a Senior Regional Advisor for the Provincial Development Unit (now known as Kānoa) which delivered $797m investment across 365 projects in Te Tai Tokerau, Jade also supported the development of the regional housing plan as Place Based Director for the Ministry of Housing & Urban Development.

Jade continues to support local development with Te Tai Tokerau marae, pākihi and iwi organisations.

Chris has over 20 years’ experience in senior management and governance roles for commercial, government and non-profit organisations.

He has worked with iwi organisations including Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Te Kohanga Reo National Trust and held senior leadership roles for the New Zealand Nurses Organisation and mental health & addictions kaupapa, Te Hononga Ora.

Chris has been a business owner supporting organisations in strategy development, governance processes and collective agreement negotiation, joining Ngāti Hine Health Trust as Director of Operations in April 2023.

Rowena Tana acknowledges the significant contribution of outgoing CEO Geoff Milner and, with the interim co-leader CEO’s now appointed, the Board will prepare to recruit a permanent Chief Executive Officer.

“Whānau is at the core of the services we provide and we will be held accountable to those we serve. So, it is our priority to ensure the new CEO has the right skills and experience to serve our people.”



For all enquiries, contact:

Rowena Tana, Board Chair

P: 021 513 428

Photo: Co-leaders, Chris Miller and Jade Morunga have been appointed interim CEO for Ngāti Hine Health Trust while the Board prepare to recruit a permanent Chief Executive Officer.

About Ngāti Hine Health Trust:

From humble beginnings, Ngāti Hine Health Trust has grown to become an exponential leader in oranga (wellbeing) services within the Northland hapū and hāpori. Ngāti Hine Health Trust delivers across multiple sectors including health, disability support, mental health& addictions, primary care, justice, corrections, housing, education, social services, reo irirangi Māori and Whānau Ora.

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