"We are in a critical turning point across Te Ao Māori. Our people have higher expectations of us as leaders and also the Crown. Now, more than ever is the need to whakakotahi - to come together for the benefit and wellbeing of our whānau, hapū and Iwi of Te Taitokerau as Āperahama Taonui foretold". - Chair of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua, Kahurangi Naida Glavish
Tēnā tātou e te Iwi!
This pānui is brought to you by Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui Iwi Māori Partnership Board and has been designed to help keep you, our whānau, hapū, marae and Iwi of Te Tai Tokerau informed on the broader Health reforms taking place across Aotearoa, the leadership role of our Iwi Māori Partnership Board and how this impacts on you.
We want to make sure you aware of what is happening, what it all means and to ensure you will know where your voice as uri can be heard to help co-create the future of hauora across our rohe.
What is in this issue?
Board Membership update
Regional IMPB Hui - Whangārei, March 2023
Localities update
General updates and upcoming kaupapa
Contact details
To keep abreast of what is happening in real time, please visit our website
Board Membership
The IMPB are proud to announce they have a full Board after welcoming our three new Board members, Dr Maria Baker (Te Hiku Hauora), Margareth Broodkoorn (Hauora Hokianga), Trudy Brown (ANT Trust), and the new Independent Chair Tereki Stewart (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua) earlier in 2023.
They joined the earlier announced Iwi Leaders membership of Aperehama Edwards (Ngātiwai), Tama Davis (Ngāti Whātua), Wallace Rivers (Ngāi Takoto), Mariameno Kapa-Kingi (Whaingaroa), Wane Wharerau (Ngāpuhi), Peter Lucas Jones (Te Aupōuri), and Kahurangi Naida Glavish (Māreikura).
All new members arrive to the IMPB with a collective wealth of Iwi, Community, Health, and other govvernment sector experience.
To support the implementation of the IMPB and carry out the executive duties, Boyd Broughton, the previous General Manager of Te Hā Oranga / Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua, was seconded in as General Manager.
The IMPB would like to acknowledge the outgoing interim Chair of the IMPB Nicole Anderson, for her efforts in steering the IMPB through the initial year of development and formation and we look forward to the full Board and executive team whānau, hapū, iwi, and community voices to be heard via the IMPB.

Top left to bottom right: Kiri Leach, Nicole Anderson, Wallace Rivers, Dr Maria Baker, Boyd Broughton, Kiri Sloane-Hobson, Margareth Broodkoorn, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi and Trudy Brown
Regional IMPB Hui - Whangārei, March 2023
In March, Te Aka Whai Ora were warmly welcomed by te Iwi o Ngātiwai to sit with Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui Iwi Māori Partnership Board (IMPB) at Terenga Parāoa Marae in Whangārei.
Arriving with carefully planned and curated agenda for the day that was elegantly and typically tipped on its head from the outset of the hui with Dame Kahurangi Naida Glavish, setting the scene declaring 'Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu, never ceded sovereignty', with fellow Board Member, Wane Wharerau further reiterating that all partnership engagements will and must be based on He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti with aspirations of devolution of resource, funding, and authority to the region. Phew!
The kōrero that followed was rich with embedded solutions (Rongoā, whānau), contemporary (information and technology solutions), and future thinking - acknowledging the vast challenges our whānau are facing, challenges that are urgent, challenges that are many and different, and challenges that are compounding. Te Taumata were firm in voicing that the responses for whānau need to be swift, agile, plentiful, and courageous.
This was a great opportunity to share the learnings, strengths, and aspirations of not just the IMPB so far, but also the incredible collectives of whānau, marae, hapū, Iwi and Māori Health and Social Service Providers across the region, who have supported and strengthened whānau and communities during the pandemic, during summer droughts, through the flooding, and more recently during and post Cyclone Gabrielle.
The hui was the first of many between the IMPB and Te Aka Whai Ora, with much alignment and of course, some challenges given to Te Aka Whai Ora. We look forward to further kōrero, wānanga, and tohe, as we seek solutions, equitable outcomes, and mana motuhake on behalf of our whānau, hapū, Iwi, and communities of Tāmaki ki Te Reinga.

Localities Updates
Localities are how Te Whatu Ora aim to get more of the appropriate and necessary resource, infrastructure, and funding into whānau priorities within the region. Allowing the local whānau, hapū, and communities to determine their priorities, and then engage all Crown resources to get the adequate services and funding to meet those priorities.
There are currently eleven Localities across the country with the Muriwhenua Locality, Taikorihi, being one of those first eleven.
We continue to support and development of Localities across the region with Iwi and Māori. Active discussions with Ngāpuhi, Ngātiwai, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Whātua, Te Roroa, Te Uri o Hau, in Te Tai Tokerau and discussions with Iwi, Whānau Ora, and Providers leading Localities in Tāmaki Mākaurau.
General updates and upcoming kaupapa
Whānau voice and priorities:
The IMPB are currently planning strategies to collect whānau voice to compliment data from health and other services for the determination of priorities for Māori across the rohe. More information will be shared once that plan is complete. This is especially important as the IMPB continues to advocate for greater investment in the region. It is planned that this will become part of a regular and ongoing opportunity for whānau, iwi, and providers to provide their views on what are the priorities within their communities.
Resource in Te Tai Tokerau
The IMPB continue to advocate for greater resource and funding allocation in Te Tai Tokerau with a united view that Te Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki aspire to greater devolution of funding, resource, infrastructure, and authority as per Te Tiriti o Waitangi and He Whakaputanga – The Declaration of Independence.
Operations Team
We have welcomed two new members into our operational team over the last few months.
Introducing, Rhys Manukau, of Te Uri o Hau, who many who were involved with the response to covid in Te Tai Tokerau, may remember Rhys in his previous role with the Northland District Health Board, where he analysed data, articulated potential trends, and data-based solutions in different parts of the north and different stages of the Pandemic. Rhys is joinging us to ensure we capture your voice, and be able to continue to provide a robust suite of data and solutions to drive our activities and to fight the good fight of Hau Ora in Te Tai Tokerau.
We also welcome Warren Moetara who joined our team in June 2023 to support Localities in Te Tai Tokerau. Warren has worked in the previous Northland District Health Board and his more recent role with Mahitahi Hauora Trust.
Want to kōrero?
Board Chair Tereki Stewart c/- Board Secretariat
General Manager Boyd Broughton boyd@tetaumatahauora.nz
Data Analyst Rhys Manukau rhys@tetaumatahauora.nz
Localities Lead Warren Moetara warrent@tetaumatahauora.nz
Comms and Support Kiri Leach warren@tetaumatahauora.nz
Board Secretariat Simone Edwards simone@tkot.org.nz