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Pou Tangata Co-Chairs disgusted as Government fast-track Te Pae Ora legislation without due process.


“The rushed actions undertaken by the Government to pass the Amendments to the Te Pae Ora Bill and accelerate the disestablishment of the Māori Health Authority is a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi,” says Rahui Papa, Co-Chair of Pou Tangata.

The introduction of this legislation under urgency is alarming for the National Iwi Chairs Forum. Whānau, hapū and Iwi must be the architects of their own healthy futures, as established in the founding documents of our nation; He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (Declaration of Independence) and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

The fast-tracking of the Te Pae Ora amendment Bill shows a deliberate intent by the Government to ignore whānau, hapū and Iwi rights as they reject due process of public consultation or discussion.

Dame Naida Glavish

Dame Naida Glavish DNZM, Co-Chair of Pou Tangata says, “The introduction of the bill to Parliament in the face of a current claim and scheduled hearing, is a direct attack on the rights of whānau, hapū and Iwi. Directly impinging upon the obligation of the crown to engage in good faith partnership and shows that the government is prioritising politics over people.”

“There is never a good time to play politics with the lives of our people.”

The vote in Parliament last night showed an overwhelming response to fast-track the Te Pae Ora Bill, just two days before the urgent hearing with the Waitangi Tribunal. Further underscoring the urgency and severity of this situation. “It is not merely a legislative manoeuvre, it's a betrayal of trust and a violation of fundamental rights.”

“We commend the Members of Parliament who spoke to the points above, and against the coalition in highlighting the impacts of this rushed legislation on iwi Māori and communities,” says Mr Papa.

For any queries contact:

Hana Tapiata

Phone: 0221312912

Pou Tangata is one of the five Pou of the National Iwi Chairs Forum (NICF). Iwi Chairs exist to advocate and influence priorities of national significance on behalf of their collective iwi interests.

More information on Pou Tangata and Te Aka Whai Ora can be found here:


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