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Tipene Kapa-Kingi appointed as the incoming Pou Whakarae of Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri.

MEDIA RELEASE | 18 Hūrae 2024

Haere atu he toa, ara mai rā he toa!

Kua puta ake te kōrero, ko Tipene Kapa-Kingi tērā kua tohua e te poari o Te Aupōuri hei Pou Whakarae mō Te Rūnanga. Today, the board of Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri officially announces Tipene Kapa-Kingi as the incoming Pou Whakarae (Chief Executive Officer).

He uri nō te whānau Kapa, mea heke iho a Tipene i te tupuna nei i a Te Kaaka, i te wehenga ki tana mokopuna ki a Hēmi Te Kapa. Hei ko tāna, ko te whakapapa te pūtake o tāna mahi. Koia hoki, e whai ana i ngā tapuwae i waiho mai ai e tana māmā a Mariameno hei arutanga māna. Tipene belongs to te Kapa whānau, he is a direct descendant of Te Kaaka, through Te Kaaka’s grand son Hēmi Te Kapa. Tipene states that whakapapa is the reason for everything that he does. In that same vein, Tipene acknowledges his mother Mariameno, for laying the pathway for him to emerge as a leader for Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri.

Koni atu i te 3 tau e mahi ana a Tipene ki roto i ngā kaupapa a te rūnanga pēhea nei te tini. Ko ngā mahi whakatū pakihi, pēnei me te pāmu pīpī kūtai, te keri puna wai, te hanga whare, te totohe ki te karauna, tae atu ki ngā mahi whakahaere wānanga, he tuari kōrero, he whakapakari uri anō hoki kia whiwhi mahi ai rātou. Tipene has been in the Rūnanga for over 3 years working on countless projects and kaupapa including; establishing new business

units, such as the mussel seed farm, building water storage and water resilience, housing development, local and central government partnerships, facilitating wānanga, sharing kōrero tuku iho, and delivering learning and development pathways for our rangatahi.

Hei tā Maahia Nathan, te Heamana o te Rūnanga;

“Nā te kaha tini o ngā hoiho i roto i te rēhi, ehara i te whakatau māmā, erangi ki taku titiro, koia tēnei ko te whakatau tika. E whakapono ana te poari e mārama ana a Tipene ki te huarahi anga mua e mau ai te oranga mō tātou mō te iwi o Te Aupōuri


Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri



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